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Ports & Inland

Inland transportation within Germany

The transport volumes and demand for inland transportation services, particularly within the greater Stuttgart area, are growing substantially, whilst the number of drivers and the loading capacity is decreasing.

The above captioned situation paired with an ongoing congestion at the UBFs (transloading hubs) leads to significant delays in deliveries of containers for import and export by rail or truck and might jeopardize appointed vessel closings.

Our Operations and Customer Service teams are doing their utmost to serve you with the best possible transport solutions, but the parameters causing the operational disturbances are manifold and are outside of our direct control.

According to information on hand, this situation will not change substantially within the near future, even though all involved parties are initiating corrective actions, wherever possible.

We therefore have no option, but to inform you that this situation does force Hapag-Lloyd AG, Area Germany, to take even exceptional actions to manage the situation accordingly.

These exceptional actions might include rejection of ad hoc Carrier’s haulage bookings, the need to provide the positioning date at time of booking, and/ or detour the transports via alternate inland terminals that are lesser occupied.

Furthermore we are confronted with last minute transport cancellations by our service providers for bookings that had been confirmed at an earlier stage. This is a direct consequence of the non-foreseeable congestion situation.

You surely will understand that additional costs arising from the circumstances mentioned above, cannot be absorbed by the Carrier, but will have to be levied onto the cargo.

Thank you very much for your continuous support.

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Ports & Inland