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Liner Services

Levant Express Service (LEX) – Iskenderun and Aliaga Call

We are pleased to inform you about our latest service update in the Hapag-Lloyd Intra-Mediterranean Service Network.

As from week 33 (August 13, 2018) we will further enhance our short sea service network in the Mediterranean by adding a call at Iskenderun, Turkey and replacing Izmir with a call at Aliaga. This service enhancement will further improve the connectivity between Turkey and our global network via the hub ports of Piraeus and Cagliari.

The new rotation of the LEX Service will cover following ports:

Genoa – Livorno – Civitavecchia – Salerno – Cagliari – Alexandria – Damietta – Beirut – Iskenderun – Mersin – Aliaga – Piraeus – Genoa

The first LEX sailing (eastbound) with this new rotation will be:

  • MV “New Jersey Trader” Voy 1543 E/W, ETS Cagliari, on August 13, 2018

Please find latest Terminal details for Iskenderun and Aliaga as noted below:

Limakport Iskenderun Uluslarasasi
Liman Isletmeciligi
5 Temuz Cad. Sonu
Hatay Iskenderun


Nemport Limani İşletmeleri & Özel Antrepo Nakliye Tic. A.Ş.
Siteler Mahallesi, Petrol Ofisi Caddesi, No: 12 Nemrut Körfezi,
Aliağa 35800 - İzmir

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Liner Services