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Liner Services

EC5 Service - MV “Yantian Express” (voyage 108E) – Update 6 General Average Information

Further to our CustomerInfo of January 25, 2019 regarding the container fire on board MV “Yantian Express” we wish to inform you that following declaration of General Average (as attached in table below), Richards Hogg Lindley, General Average and Salvage Adjusters have been appointed as collecting agents to prepare the General Average and Salvage adjustment and to collect General Average and Salvage security from each of the parties concerned in the cargo on board.

In case you have shipments that were loaded onboard for this voyage, please understand that the cargo will only be released upon provision of the required security.

Attached in the table below please find “Standard Instructions” provided by the General Average Adjusters, Richards Hogg Lindley, as follows:

  • General Average Declaration
  • General Average & Salvage – Frequently Asked Questions
  • Average Bond
  • Insurers’ Average Guarantee
  • Standard Form of Non-Separation Agreement

We encourage you to review these documents carefully. In the event that you have any questions regarding the provision of the required security, we invite you to get in touch with Richards Hogg Lindley directly. Their contact details are set out below:

Richards Hogg Lindley Average Adjusters and Marine Claims Consultants  

Irrespective of whether or not your cargo is insured, only Richards Hogg Lindley will be in a position to guide you with respect to the provision of the required General Average security.

For all other information, we invite you to call our dedicated Hotline directly at the following telephone number:

+1 833-445-6397

We regret any inconvenience caused by this incident and shall keep you closely informed of future developments.


We will obviously have more detailed/precise information once the vessel arrives at the port of discharge and will provide an update in due course. Until then, please consider our above comments as being: (I) non-conclusive, subject to change and being provided for informational purposes only, and (II) given without prejudice to or waiver of any rights, remedies, defenses, and limitations contained in the relevant underlying contracts of carriage as evidenced by Hapag-Lloyd AG’s standard Bill of Lading and/or Sea Waybill and the Hapag-Lloyd Tariff applicable thereto and/or any other applicable agreement governing the carriage of the subject cargo, as the case may be, all of which said terms and conditions continue to remain in full force and effect without any modification or waiver.

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Liner Services