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General Rate Increase - Indian Subcontinent (ISC) and Middle East to USA and Canada

Please be advised that in light of current market conditions, we will apply a General Rate Increase from Indian Subcontinent (ISC) and Middle East to USA and Canada as noted below, effective as from March 1, 2019 and valid until further notice:

  • USD 400 per 20' standard container
  • USD 500 per 40' standard container (40' x 8'6")
  • USD 500 per 40' high cube container (40' x 9'6")
  • USD 500 per 40' reefer container (40' x 9'6")

ISC Origins: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Middle East Origins: UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

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