
Belongs to

Liner Services

Atlantic Loop 4 (AL4) – MV “RIO BLACKWATER” Voy. 007W

We regret having to inform you that M/V “Rio Blackwater” employed in our AL4 Service under current voyage 007W will be delayed by approximately 14 days.

Owners of this charter vessel have just informed us that class regulations require urgent repairs relevant for the safety of crew, cargo and ship which need to be executed before the vessel will start her Atlantic crossing.

In an effort to minimize the impact on your cargo, we will invest into the following recovery plan:

  • We will discharge all cargo from M/V “Rio Blackwater” in Le Havre
  • We have chartered M/V “Satie” ad hoc to cover the majority of the Mexico cargo
  • M/V “Satie” is due to proceed swiftly to Veracruz and Altamira.

With this measure, we expect delays for most Mexico-bound cargo to be limited to just a few days.

We will endeavor to load US Gulf bound cargo on the next available vessel.

We are diligently working on further remedy plans and will communicate these as soon as possible.

Belongs to

Liner Services