
Belongs to

Liner Services

EC5 Service - MV “Yantian Express” (voyage 108E) – Update No.16

Further to our Customer Info of April 1, 2019 we would like to keep you aware of further development as noted below:

  • The Vessel is currently due to reload the containers unloaded at Freeport on April 12, 2019. General Average and Salvage security has still not been posted for some of these containers.
  • The Salvage company have now declared that the granted period of 21 days for the provision of salvage security has long expired. We understand that the Salvage company are working on getting the required certification from the Lloyd‘s Arbitration to enable them to sell the cargo to satisfy their security interest, should security not be provided imminently.
  • MV “Yantian Express” is likely to sail at the end of April/early May 2019 from Freeport with the remaining cargo onboard. However, this will potentially depend on the Salvage Company and the provision of salvage security.
  • We would encourage all cargo interests to provide the requested General Average and Salvage security in order to allow the containers to be delivered.

    Relevant documents and case details can be viewed on the RHL website as follows: (please select vessel name from the drop down menue and insert password as noted)

    Password: YE119GA
  • In light of dependency on technical approval of vessel class, the next port of call is not finally determined as yet. We shall keep you closely informed on the decision for such port selection, once agreement has been reached, in conjunction with relevant port authorities.

For all other information, we invite you to call our dedicated hotline directly at the following telephone number:

+ 1 833-445-6397

Alternatively you are also welcome to contact us via following email address:

[email protected]

We shall keep you closely informed on further developments.

Belongs to

Liner Services