
Belongs to

Liner Services

EC5 Service - MV “Yantian Express” (voyage 108E) – Update No. 21

Further to our recent status update we are glad to report significant progress has been achieved and the current status is as follows:

  • MV “Yantian Express” cargo operations at Halifax are finalized with all containers discharged ashore as planned, and the vessel sailed June 2, 2019.
  • For all secured cargo, oncarriage / transshipment arrangements are well in progress to expedite the forwarding of containers to their contractual place of delivery and all customers concerned will be informed by our teams accordingly.
  • Given the current state of options available, we anticipate these forwarding arrangements to be concluded in about 2-3 weeks from now.
  • In respect of unsecured cargo, there are still more than 200 containers discharged in Halifax for which GA and salvage security has not been provided. If your container remains unsecured, and in order to avoid the risk of arrest and sale of the cargo [and related fees (including legal fees) and costs], please provide the necessary security on an urgent basis. As an added measure, our team intends to contact unsecured cargo interests in an effort to finally conclude the posting of the necessary security so that any such container may be released without further delay.

If your cargo remains unsecured, you are again reminded to contact RHL as per the following details: https://rhlclientarea.ctplc.com/

For all other information, we invite you to call our dedicated hotline directly at the following telephone number:

+ 1 833-445-6397

Alternatively you are also welcome to contact us via following email address:

[email protected]

At this point, we anticipate that within short, all operational steps on final cargo deliveries can be successfully concluded.

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Liner Services