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Pakistan - Container Deposit Refund

Kindly note for your information that with immediate effect all container deposit refund requests in Pakistan will be handled through our new group email ID [email protected].

Please ensure that these documents are attached to the request sent to the above email ID to ensure prompt and accurate handling.

Following documents listed below are required to process a container deposit refund:

  1. Refund Request Letter by Consignee & Clearing Agent (signed and stamped)
  2. Equipment Interchange Report for all units.
  3. Original Security Deposit receipt as issued at the time of DO (delivery order) issuance.

Please also adhere to these additional process requirements:

- Each bill of lading refund request is required to be sent separately; ie do not combine bill of ladings in one email.
- When sending the request, the email Subject should read: “Refund request for MBL _________ Deposit amount _________”
- Advise the empty unit return date.
- Please wait for 24 hours after returning the complete units at the empty yard to submit refund request.
- As customer, you need to ensure to clear units in WEBOC to avoid delays; GD HOLD units deposits will not be refunded unless units are cleared in this system.
- You also need to settle all previous outstanding charges to avoid delays in refund. In case there are any outstanding charges on account of consignee, the deposit refund request will not be processed whether clearing agent is same or otherwise.

Upon getting your request, our team will initiate working to check all applicable charges related to detention and damage invoices to settle with the deposited amount and process refund for balance amount.

The refund process will be completed within 5 to 7 working days. Any follow up query related to the refund should only be sent after this 7 working day period.

For further information, please note our office contacts for Pakistan are available on our website.

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