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Ports & Inland

Canada – Protests Impacting Rail Operations

The blockades of key Canadian National Rail tracks across Canada has resulted in Montreal Gateway Terminals (MGT) announcing force majeure on Thursday, February 20, 2020.

Affected import rail containers dwelling more than 5 calendar days will be charged terminal storage, effective Tuesday, February 25, 2020. MGT has imposed a deadline of Monday, February 24 for instructions on cargo movement before the storage deadline applies.

For all Hapag-Lloyd customers with affected cargo moving on CN Rail, we can offer the following alternatives for MGT cargo:

1) Terminate the move in Montreal.
2) For Indianapolis cargo, we can move to the closest ramp in Chicago and terminate there.
3) For Saskatoon cargo, we can move to the closest ramp in Regina and terminate there.

For reference, Clause 18 of the Bill of Lading (matters affecting performance) applies.

Please contact your local Customer Service Representative for further details.

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Ports & Inland