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Ports & Inland

Poland – Export Carrier's haulage transport

In order to meet your transport requirements and give you the best possible service we kindly ask you to provide us with the following information at time of booking:

  • Full address of empty positioning place = place of stuffing
  • Date and time of positioning to door. If no time is specified we take it that positioning is possible any time between 08:00-16:00.
  • If stop for customs clearance is necessary, please provide the name of the agency and address for the customs stop.
  • If you want us to arrange for VGM weighing, please let us know at time of booking.

Export loading reference number will be the carrier reference number + container no, which you find on your booking confirmation as in below example: 59477388-01

For smooth handling in the port of Gdynia, please make sure to provide the trucker with precise cargo description and weight.

Make sure your cargo is customs cleared in due time. Containers rolled due to missing customs clearance will be subject to late cancellation fee.

C/H transport cancelled 48hr before positioning date or later are subject to a late booking cancellation.

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Ports & Inland