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Canada – Foreign Booking Request Information

Regarding booking requests for a shipment originating in a foreign country. To expedite your request, you can have your local origin forwarder submit the booking request online. Your shipment is then reviewed by the origin export customer service team and processed.

If you are submitting a foreign originating booking (excluding USA) here in Canada, we will need the following information in order to send notification to our overseas office to complete your booking.

This process can take a minimum of 24 hours.

  • Valid Rate Filing for the requested booking details
  • Local origin forwarder including name and contact information
  • Local origin shipper including name and contact information
  • Complete routing, including correct vessel, schedule voyage number and schedule dates
  • Merchant’s haulage: Pick-up date(s) and, if applicable, indicate shipper’s owned equipment and provide the relevant container number(s)
  • Carrier’s haulage: Positioning date(s) and mode of transport (not accepted as free text); Loading references in case of need. Please cover the complete transport chain, including:
    - full address of the "place of receipt",
    - contact parties (name and phone ),
    - reference # if needed
  • Quantity and Container Size Type
  • Cargo weight, description

Requirements for special cargo:

Reefer: temperature settings
Out-Of-Gauge: over dimensions (L/W/H)
Dangerous Goods "DG" Details: Complete data of DGD form in compliance with IMDG Code

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