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China – New Restriction for the Acceptance of Waste Cargo - Update

Referring to our CustomerNEWS issued June 12, 2020, we would like to provide you with latest information from the Department of Solid Wastes and Chemicals of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE). The timeline for the implementation of the regulation has been changed to January 1, 2021.

Please note that this is the implementation date for customs clearance, not for the departure date of the goods. The MEE will not allow a transition period for goods that do not complete customs clearance after this date.

The Solid Waste Division will publish a catalogue of solid waste products which is currently under preparation within MEE.
The new Revision stipulates that hazardous waste is prohibited from transit through the territory of the PRC. However, existing regulations for the transit of non-hazardous solid waste in China will remain unaffected.

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