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North America - Operational Update

We would like to update you on operational status in Canada and the United States.


Los Angeles / Long Beach (LAX/LGB) Vessel/Terminal (T) Delay Update:

There are currently 32 ships at anchor awaiting berths in LAX/LGB as of Friday Jan 15th.
All terminals continue to be congested due to the spike in import volumes and the same is expected to last until end of February 2021.

Customers are urged to expedite the pickup of import containers. Moreover, terminals are working with limited labor and split shifts (COVID-19 related). This labor shortage affects all terminals turnaround time for truckers, inter terminal transfers, the number of daily appointments available for gate transactions and generates delays in our vessels operations.

Rail Operations

  • Long Beach, CA – Average 6.1 days (T), 2.6 days at ramp: total 8.7 days
  • Los Angeles, CA – Average 12 days (T), 2 days at ramp: total 14 days

New York Terminal Delay Update:

Minor berth congestion continues to affect operations within the port. Main factor causing the congestion is vessels arriving off schedule. Increased dwell times for import volumes, and large inventories of empty containers continue to impact operations at all terminals. Customers are urged to pick up containers quicker. There are currently no large ILA labor shortages due to COVID.

Terminals have been extending gate / terminal hours when necessary to accommodate import deliveries.


Currently 11 ships at anchor due to river closures for fog, and extra loaders arriving at the port leading to some berth congestion.
Gate transactions are fluid and generally not impacted.

Canadian Terminal Delays Update:

Heavy congestion at all terminals in Vancouver and Prince Rupert due to significant spike in import volumes
Weekend labor shortages and high winds continue to impact yard and vessel productivity
Berth delays at Vancouver and PRR are significant with vessels being held off berth for days

Rail: Railcar supply stable, however, is still contributing to yard and berth congestion.


Capacity limitation in certain markets due to import volume spikes and severe drivers’ shortage. Please find main markets, and estimate lead-time to secure capacity below (Note: Lead time refers to timeframe to secure truck power, it is not dwell time):

Markets / Average 12-days+:

Los Angeles, CA (30 days +) – Long Beach, CA (30 days +) - Savannah, GA (15 days +) - Memphis, TN – Baltimore, MD – Macon, GA – Atlanta, GA (15days +) – Norfolk, VA - New York, NY

Markets / Average 7-days+:

Boston, MA - Cincinnati, OH - Buffalo, NY - Chicago, IL - Cincinnati, OH - Kansas City, MO – Tacoma, WA – Seattle, WA – Dallas, TX - Philadelphia, PA – Houston, TX – Council Bluffs, IA – Charleston, SC – Charlotte, NC – Jacksonville, FL – Miami/Pt. Everglades, FL

Markets / Average 4-days +:

Cleveland, OH – Columbus, OH - Indianapolis, IN – Minneapolis, MN - Pittsburgh, PA - Birmingham, AL - Greensboro, NC – Greer, SC – Huntsville, AL – Louisville, KY - Denver, CO - Santa Teresa, NM – Laredo, TX – Portland, OR – New Orleans, LA - Oakland, CA


Congestions at some terminals [T] & rail ramps [R] (imports):

  • Halifax, CAN – Average 5.56 days (T), 5.18 days at ramp: total 10.7 days
  • Montreal, CAN – Average 3.46 days (T), 2.06 days at ramp: total 5.52 days
  • Vancouver, CAN – Average 4.3 days (T), 3.8 days at ramp: total 8.1 usmyc days 
  • New York, NY - Average 6.1 days (T), 4 days at ramp: total 10.1 days 
  • Charleston, SC – Average 4.5 days (T), 2 days at ramp: total 6.5 days 
  • Savannah, GA – Average 4.7 days (T), 2 days at ramp: total 6.7 days 
  • Norfolk, VA – Average 4.2 days (T), 3.2 days at ramp: total 7.4 days
  • Kansas City, MO – 6.8 days (ramp) 
  • Chicago, IL - 6.4 days (ramp)
  • Memphis, TN – 2.2 days (ramp)#
  • Detroit, MI – 5.2 days (ramp)


  • Chassis availability issues are being encountered in Oakland – Minneapolis - Omaha – Detroit - Pittsburgh – Dallas – Tampa –New York – Chicago - Los Angeles / Long Beach.

This information and more can be found on our website in the North America COVID-19 updates section.

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