
Belongs to

Liner Services

Indian Ocean Service 3 (IO3) – M/V “APL NEW YORK”

Due to extreme weather circumstances, M/V “APL NEW YORK” (Schedule Voyage 0PE02E1MA) operating on the IO3 service will not be able to perform the planned port call in Rotterdam (NLRTM).

Vessel operator has decided to omit Rotterdam completely and implement an ad-hoc call in Zeebrugge (BEZEE) to discharge the inbound import cargo.

Subsequent sailing with M/V “CMA CGM OTHELLO” will make an ad-hoc call at Zeebrugge on 22.02.2021 to pick up the discharged import cargo and deliver it to Rotterdam, ETD 23.02.2021.

Additionally, as schedule recovery measure APL NEW YORK will omit the upcoming port call in Algeciras (ESALG).

In the meantime, we regret any inconveniences this may cause and kindly ask for your understanding of this situation out of Hapag-Lloyd’s control.

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Liner Services