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North America - Operational Update

In order to better inform you of the operational situation within USA and Canada, we would like to inform you that our Region North America - Operations & Customer Service Advisory notices are now posted directly to the website in the Offices and Local Information > North America > USA section. In particular, you can find them at the bottom of the Local Information page.

In addition to the regular information provided in our website, you are invited to join Uffe Ostergaard, President of Hapag-Lloyd North America, in a live webcast covering the current operational situation and outlook for North America.
We are providing two different options to best suit your schedule:

Thursday, February 4, 2021



Those items where status has changed from the previous report are identified by an asterisk (*)

Terminal Operations:

LAX/LGB Vessel/Terminal Delay Update:


There are currently 37 ships* (+7 from prev. week) at anchor awaiting berths in LAX/LGB as of Friday Jan 29th.
All terminals continue to be congested due to the spike in import volumes and the same is expected to last until end of first quarter*. Customers are urged to expedite the pickup of import containers. Moreover, terminals are working with limited labor and split shifts (COVID-19 related). This labor shortage affects all terminals turnaround time for truckers, inter terminal transfers, the number of daily appointments available for gate transactions and generates delays in our vessels operations. There can be switching of vessel terminal assignments due to lack of space due terminal congestion that must be kept in mind when accepting over weight bookings that are supposed to be going on dock but end up in the wrong terminal or the UP off dock terminal. Hapag-Lloyd is currently shut out at some terminals limiting single empty returns and restricting dual transactions. Trucking is currently heavily delayed on all door and ramp intermodal moves.

Oakland Terminal Update: *new*

Oakland is now starting to see ships going to anchor in greater numbers. Currently there are 11 ships in the San Francisco Bay anchorage as of Friday Jan 29th. The port is starting to see vessel bunching as the ships depart the congestion from LAX/LGB and end up competing for berths in Oakland. Some vessel strings have also diverted to call Oakland in advance of LAX/LGB adding to the number of ships off pro forma.
All berths are occupied.

New York Terminal Update:

Terminals – USNYC

Minor berth congestion continues to affect operations within the port. Main factor causing the congestion is vessels arriving off proforma schedule. Increased dwell times for import volumes and large inventories of empty containers continue to impact operations at all terminals.
Gate turn times for truckers are currently stable.
Reported COVID cases are increasing amongst ILA labor force, but currently not creating any labor shortages.
Terminal operations are impacted Monday by the current forecast for high winds and snow, which could result in future delays later in the week


Currently 10 ships* (-1) at anchor. Random fog closures this time of year has caused some of the berth congestion and backlog. Extra loader vessels continue arriving at the port leading to berth congestion. Gate transactions are fluid and generally not impacted.

Canadian Terminal and Rail Delays Update:

Heavy congestion at all terminals due to the spike in import volumes and the same is expected to last until the end of Q1 2021. Weekend labor shortages, high winds and a derailment on CP main line has resulted in poor productivity.

Berth delays at Vancouver and Prince Rupert are long with vessels being held off berth for days.

Dwell time at the Port Terminals:

  • Halifax – 3.6 Days
  • Montreal – 3.1 Days*
  • Vancouver – 2.6 Days
  • Prince Rupert – 5.7 Days*


Recent derailment on CP main line has resulted in shortage of cars to GCT Vancouver, resulting in lower productivity. Track is one again passable but impact expected to last 96hrs.*

Dwell time at the Rail Terminals:

  • Montreal – 2.1 Days*
  • Vancouver – 2.6 Days*
  • Intermodal Operations:

Capacity limitation in certain markets due to import volume spikes and severe drivers’ shortage. Please find main markets, and estimate lead-time to secure capacity below (Note: Lead time refers to timeframe to secure truck power, it is not dwell time):

Market / Average 12-days+:
o Los Angeles, CA (30 days +) – Long Beach, CA (30 days +) – Atlanta, GA (15 days) – Baltimore, MD (14 days) - Memphis, TN (14 days) - New York, NY (15days) – Norfolk, VA (14 days) – Savannah, GA (15 days)

Markets / Average 7-days+:
o Boston, MA - Buffalo, NY - Charleston, SC - Charlotte, NC - Dallas, TX – Houston, TX – Jacksonville, FL – Miami/PT. Everglades, FL - New Orleans, LA - Philadelphia, PA – Seattle, WA – Tacoma, WA

Markets / Average 4-days +:
o Birmingham, AL – Chicago, IL – Cincinnati, OH - Cleveland, OH – Columbus, OH – Council Bluff, IA – Greensboro, NC – Greer, SC – Huntsville, AL - Indianapolis, IN– Kansas City, MO – Laredo, TX – Louisville, KY - Minneapolis, MN - Oakland, CA - Pittsburgh, PA – Portland, OR – Salt Lake City, UT – Santa Teresa, NM

Chassis Pools:

  • Minneapolis (USMES) – Deficit on all chassis types, longer dwells on street.
  • Chicago (USCHI) – Constrained on 20’/40’* chassis due to surge in demand.
  • Omaha (USOMA) – Deficit on 40’/45’ chassis due to street dwells.
  • Oakland (USOAK) – Constrained on all size types chassis due high demands.
  • Los Angeles / Long Beach (USLAX/USLGB) – Pool of Pools seeing stressed chassis inventory in all terminal locations.

Railway Operations:

Please Note: Current average dwell times for Hapag-Lloyd boxes at several terminals / ramps. Includes, MH, rail and truck moves.

  • New York, NY - Average 7.5 days*
  • MMR New York (Elizabeth Marine Terminal-Rail) – Average 4.1 days
  • Long Beach, CA – Average 9.0 days*
  • Los Angeles, CA – Average 13.1 days*
  • Charleston, SC – Average 3.7 days
  • Savannah, GA – Average 5.3 days*
  • Norfolk, VA – Average 4.8 days*
  • Kansas City, MO – Average 2.8 days*
  • Chicago, IL - Average 7.2 days*
  • Memphis, TN – Average 5.1 days*
  • Detroit, MI – Average 6.6 days*


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