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China/Shanghai Electronic-EIR Release Process Update

In order to streamline the release process of Hapag-Lloyd empty containers for more efficient services provided to Hapag-Lloyd’s customers and in supporting to the Chinese Government’s initiative in streamlining the logistic supply chain, please be informed that with effect from April 1, 2021, Hapag-Lloyd (China) will authorize the following companies to:

a) Generate e-EIR in EasiPass System; and
b) Assigning trucker in SIPG System.

Once you receive the booking confirmation from Hapag-Lloyd, please contact either of the following Container Release Company (“CRC”).

1. China Ocean Shipping Agency Shanghai Co. Ltd
2. China Marine Shipping Agency Shanghai Company
3. Shanghai Boxamer Internet Technology Co.

Do note the following changes with this new process implementation:
1. Hapag-Lloyd will cease the dealing with all existing CRCs, with effect from 1st April 2021.
2. Hapag-Lloyd will only authorize above 3 CRCs in handling e-EIR Release in Shanghai.
3. These 3 CRC may charge Customers* not more than CNY 40 per e-EIR Release, no other charges will be levied.
4. The issued e-EIR has a validity of 48 hours. Thereafter, the e-EIR will become invalid. A new e-EIR Release will be required with applicable charge.
5. Depending on the circumstances, these 3 CRC may collect from the Customers* equipment deposit in relation to Hapag-Lloyd’s business
6. In the event of any feedback or escalation of this process, please inform Hapag-Lloyd immediately at [email protected]. Please mark “Shanghai EEIR – Booking No.” in the email subject for quick follow up.

In the event that you paid any deposit that is related to Hapag-Lloyd business to any of the existing 8 CRCs, you are advised to take action in getting refund of such deposit. Do take note that such deposit was collected by these CRCs and is not transferable to the 3 new CRCs. Hapag-Lloyd does not and will not be responsible for any inability of refunding such deposit.

We appreciate your cooperation and continuous support, please contact us at [email protected] for more information.

*Including customer’s appointed 3rd party service providers or appointed trucking companies.

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