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Liner Services

Pacific South Loop 8 (PS8) - Hyundai Saturn 0026W - COVID-19 Incident

We would like to inform you that a crew member on MV Hyundai Saturn 0026W deployed in our Pacific South Loop 8 (PS8) service was tested positive for COVID-19 on April 3, 2021, prior to the vessel’s departure from Los Angeles.

The affected crew member was immediately isolated onboard and the vessel completed cleaning and sanitization. All crew members are also taking necessary precautions.

Cargo operations have been completed at Los Angeles and the vessel’s estimated departure was around 04:00 local time on April 4, 2021. The vessel is now waiting at the LAX anchorage since morning of April 4, 2021.

Departure from LA area is contingent upon completion of the required period of quarantine and subject to approval by the relevant authorities. The ship’s crews will be re-tested after the 14 days and at that time we will update the vessel schedule and status, we will inform you.

We regret the inconvenience caused by this incident which remains beyond our control. Please be assured that we continue to do our utmost to safeguard health and well-being of our seafarers during the pandemic.

Lastly, please join us in wishing the crew onboard all the best for the days to come and a fast recovery for the crew member affected.

If you would like to find out more about the current situation visit the COVID-19 section on our website.

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Liner Services