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Liner Services

West Coast North America - Australia / New Zealand Service (WSN) Vessel Phase-Out / Phase-In

Please be advised that MV ANL TONGALA 111S will phase-out of the West Coast North America – Australia / New Zealand Service (WSN) and we are still waiting to get confirmation about the replacement vessel that will phase-in at Sydney, AU.

Action Plan to be followed:

  • ANL Tongala will omit its call at Melbourne, but also will change rotation, calling Sydney first and then Auckland, in order to avoid delays in redelivery and utilise waiting time.
  • Current Melbourne cargo on board ANL Tongala ex Oakland, Seattle and Vancouver will be discharged at Sydney and transhipped. Connection vessel TBC.
  • Current ANL Tongala cargo ex Long Beach to/via Melbourne will be moved to the Synergy Keelung 110S.
  • Synergy Keelung 110S will omit its call at Sydney, therefore, current cargo ex Long Beach to/via Sydney will be moved to the ANL Tongala 111S.

Tentative schedule:

Thank you for your understanding and our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

For further information, please contact your local Hapag-Lloyd office.  

Belongs to

Liner Services