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Buenaventura Stoppage due to Colombia situation

Given the ongoing political situation in Colombia, now in week 4 our operations in Buenaventura have reached a stand still.

Demonstrations, work stoppage, road blockages to/from Buenaventura resulted in heavy port congestion, over capacity and closures in the terminals at the port of Buenaventura.

Effective immediately,

  1. We will suspend and cancel all booking acceptance to the port of Buenaventura.
  2. All containers enroute to Buenaventura via the Panama Canal (Atlantic) westbound will diverted to final destination Cartagena, the terminals are working normally. Alternatively, upon your request we can offer Change of Destination (COD) to other ports on the Atlantic (Barranquilla, Santa Marta) or barge connection to Barrancabermeja, subject to local customs authorization and timeframes and applicable charges.
  3. We will endeavor to divert Pacific origin containers enroute from (NAWC, MX and SAWC) to the port of Cartagena. All other bookings from these origins will be cancelled.
  4. For all inbound shipments unable to be cancelled at this stage, or enroute which require alternate port stoppage, we will announce details and charges incurred for later handling to Buenaventura (to be confirmed per voyage effected).
  5. We do provide weekly emergency cabotage service from Buenaventura to Cartagena for HL import containers stranded in the port.

We are monitoring the situation daily and do apologize in advance for this inconvenience.

We do expect to resume full operations to Buenaventura once the situation in Colombia subsides.

Please contact your local Sales or Customer Service representative for further assistance.

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