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Hapag-Lloyd Booking Requirement - Valid rate reference at time of booking

In times of unprecedented demand and extremely high volumes we would like to significantly improve your booking experience and booking quality with Hapag-Lloyd.

To serve you better with faster booking response time and to maintain high levels of invoice accuracy, we require that all booking requests are submitted with complete rate reference details as stated below:

  • Valid quotation / contract reference
  • Quotation / contract number that has not already expired
  • Contract routing party (MR code) for contracts with multiple routing parties
  • Route combination that is agreed and filed in the provided quotation / contract
  • Vessel and port combination with a departure date that is within the contract validity
  • Container type listed within the provided quotation / contract

Effective June 1st 2021, Hapag-Lloyd will reject booking requests when either of the above requirements are not met.

In the event that your booking is rejected, you will receive a booking rejection email explaining the reason for rejection that will help guide you on subsequent actions.

Please use Quick Quotes or contact your local Hapag-Lloyd Sales representative for contract extensions, additional routings or alternative offers and then proceed with a new booking request.

Please be assured that these changes are helping you and us to significantly improve the booking process. Thank you very much for staying at our side even in challenging times like these. We very much appreciate your business and we will do our utmost to support you wherever and whenever needed.

In case you have further questions on this topic, please feel free to contact your local Hapag-Lloyd office.

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