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Ports & Inland

Canada - Service Interruption – BC Interior Fires - Update #4

With reference to the previous update published on July 15, 2021.

CP Rail (CPR) and CN Rail (CNR) main lines now clear and operating. Port terminals in Vancouver resuming normal operations.

The movement of trains currently authorized, however, wildfires in the area continue to be active. The BC Wildfire Service is monitoring the fires closely.

CP Rail:

  • CPR mainline in British Columbia near Lytton clear and operating.
  • CP Edmonton - loads accepted bound to Delta Port (no empties).
  • CP Calgary - No empties.
  • No additional inland restrictions currently in place for intermodal traffic.

CN Rail:

  • The CNR mainline in British Columbia near Lytton clear and operating.
  • Gate restrictions for intermodal traffic to Vancouver and BC South remain case by case.

Port Terminals (Vancouver):

  • Port terminals in Vancouver are resuming normal operations and working to clear backlogs caused by the rail/fire situation.
  • GCT Delta Port outbound rail production has resumed and expected to reach normal production levels by the end of this week.

We appreciate your patience and understanding.  


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Ports & Inland