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Ports & Inland

Canada - Service Interruption - BC interior fires

BC wild fires continue to have rail main line operations severely constrained. CP Rail (CPR) and CN Rail (CNR) teams are on site and supporting local authorities.

Berth availability for vessels arriving at Vancouver Port terminals is delayed as a result.

At this time CPR has advised that their line is now cleared. It is anticipated that CNR will take a couple of more days. In the meantime CPR and CNR will share the one line for both Westbound and Eastbound trains.

It is anticipated that GCT Deltaport should start seeing trains Tuesday evening / Wednesday morning, all going well.

As a result of the rail line closures, there is now a large backlog to work through and delays from 72 to 96 hours can be expected.

We are monitoring the situation closely and will update you as the situation evolves.

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Ports & Inland