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Here’s an update on PONDUS – Weight Amendment Charges for Australia

In connection with our earlier announcement related to Pondus - Weight Amendment Fee, we would like to provide you with an update on the scope.

Ports Amount Application Effective Date
Brisbane AU$250 + GST per container June 1, 2021
Brisbane (FMC related lanes) AU$250 + GST per container July 1, 2021
Melbourne AU$250 + GST per container September 1, 2021
Melbourne (FMC related lanes) AU$250 + GST per container October 1, 2021
Sydney,  Fremantle To be advised To be advised To be advised

If you should require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team at your location or write an email to [email protected] to guide you based on your individual situation.

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