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Middle East & Africa Operational Updates Week 34

Please find below the summary of operational updates for our Middle East and Africa services for week 34.

Middle East – India - Africa Express (MIAX)

  • The berth and departure window in Sri Lanka, Colombo will change from Tuesday 02:00 hrs – Tuesday 12:00 hrs to Monday 00:00 hrs – Monday 12:00 hrs, starting from Chesapeake Bay voyage 2134W, expected to arrive on September 6, 2021

India – America Express 2 (IN2)

  • There will be no sailing in the IN2 service from New York, USA Eastbound which was expected to arrive on September 11, 2021

Asia Gulf Express 2 (AG2)

  • Vessel YM Mobility voyage 058E, originally planned to call Umm Qasr, Iraq on August 15, 2021 will now call Umm Qasr on August 22, 2021
  • There will be no sailing in the AG2 service from Umm Qasr, Iraq in Week 40 EB which was expected to arrive on October 3, 2021

South Africa Express (SAX)

  • Due to port congestion in South African ports, MSC Branka voyage NZ132R will omit Coega Northbound, and MSC Athens voyage NZ133R will omit Cape Town. MSC Branka voyage NZ132R is not expected to carry Coega Northbound imports, while the Cape Town Northbound imports of MSC Athens voyage NZ133R are expected to be discharged in Durban, South Africa for further connection to the final port of destination.

Gulf – East Mediterranean Service (GEM)

  • Vessel CSAV Tyndall will be renamed effective September 1, 2021. Call sign, Flag etc. remain unchanged.
  • For cargo connection purposes, CSAV Tyndall voyage 2126E will call Terminal 4 in Jebel Ali, UAE on August 22, 2021 instead of Terminal 3, and will phase out from the service. Vessel Teno voyage 2133W which will replace CSAV Tyndall voyage 2126E will also call Terminal 4 for cargo connection from the phasing out vessel.

Asia Red Sea Service (AR1)

  • Vessel Lisbon voyage 007E, will omit Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for schedule recovery measures.

Asia Gulf Express 3 (AG3)

  • Vessel Tayma voyage 018E, will omit Abu Dhabi, UAE for schedule recovery measures.

India – America Express (TPI)

  • Vessel, Express Rome voyage 1130E, will omit Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, while MOL Courage voyage 1137W will omit Port Qasim, Pakistan, for schedule recovery measures.

Kuwait Feeder (KWF)

  • Vessel Belgian Express will proceed with new rotation for two more voyages as detailed below:
    •     Belgian Express voyage 327W/E’s new rotation is: Jebel Ali, UAE – Shuwaikh,
      Kuwait – Port of Bahrain, Bahrain (extra call) - Jebel Ali, UAE
    •     Belgian Express voyage 328W/E’s new rotation is Jebel Ali, UAE – Mundra, India – Jebel Ali, UAA
    •     Belgian Express voyage 328W/E will omit Shuwaikh, Kuwait call

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