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Liner Services

Shipping between West Coast North America, Australia and New Zealand? Schedule updates are coming up

It is no secret that the global logistics industry is facing an unprecedented strain. This situation has led to changes that affect supply chains worldwide. While the industry adapts to the new scenarios, we continue to see unrecoverable vessel delays caused by the current congestions.

With the above in mind, we are introducing a few temporary changes in our service linking the West Coast of North America with Australia and New Zealand (WSN). These changes will affect the rotation of the service, which has the latest confirmed schedule:

  • Fortnightly Sydney, AU omissions: these omissions will be in effect from MV JPO LIBRA V. 131S/135N, calling Adelaide, AU on Pacific Southwest (PSW) rotation.
  • Fortnightly change of rotation: the service will call Melbourne, AU first, and Sydney, AU afterwards. This change will be in effect from MV CONTI CORDOBA V. 130S/134N, omitting Adelaide, AU on Pacific Northwest (PNW) rotation.
  • The last vessel to execute this temporary plan will be MV SYNERGY OAKLAND V. 141S/145N.
  • Oakland omissions on the PNW loop will be executed as previously announced here. Please be aware that situation at Oakland is changing constantly, so we will monitor the situation closely and all changes will be notified on time.

For your reference, please see below the new rotation:

  • PNW: Seattle / Vancouver / Long Beach / Auckland / Melbourne / Sydney / Tauranga
  • PSW: Oakland / Long Beach / Melbourne/ Adelaide / Tauranga 

If you require more information related to the above changes, please visit the Online Business Suite in the Hapag-Lloyd website. As an alternative, please contact our customer service team at your location who will be glad to guide you based on your individual situation.

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Liner Services