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Liner Services

Our West Coast South America WS3 service has rotation updates

The global logistics industry is never static. Therefore, our services' rotation and vessel deployment are evolving. Starting mid-February, 2022, we will be restructuring the vessel deployment of our West Coast of South America WS3 service linking San Vicente in the South of Chile to Callao, Peru.

As result, MV Hansa Ratzeburg V. 206 NB will phase out from the service next February 14, 2022 at Callao. To maintain the San Vicente weekly sailing, the new service rotation will be San Vicente – San Antonio – San Vicente, starting with MV Mapocho V. 207 NB with Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) at San Vicente February 16, 2022*. In addition, the Transmares feeder will operate the North of Chile ports (Antofagasta / Angamos) and Central Chile ports (Valparaiso / San Antonio) replacing the current bi-weekly coverage from Antofagasta to Valparaiso. The feeder rotation will be Antofagasta – Valparaiso – Puerto Angamos – San Antonio – Antofagasta starting with MV Cordillera V. 295 with ETA Antofagasta February 24, 2022.

For import cargo to Chile via Callao, the current volume to San Vicente will be transshipped via San Antonio. The service coverage to Angamos and Antofagasta will be via Callao to the South America - Asia / Loop 1 (AN1) service. This will have a backup option via San Antonio, to the Transmares feeder.

*The ETA at San Vicente has been modified to March 3, 2022 due to congestions at the port of San Antonio.

If you require more information about our vessel schedules or would prefer to track our vessels, please visit our Online Business Suite. Keep in mind that you can contact our customer service team at your  location, who will be glad to guide you based on your individual situation.

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Liner Services