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Liner Services

Here's a schedule update for our MD1 and MD2 vessels

If you are shipping between Asia and the Mediterranean with our MD1 and MD2 services, please take a look at the following schedule updates caused by schedule recovery measures. These changes include alternating port omissions that have been extended into week 13 in Pusan, Korea, and in China for the ports of Shanghai and Ningbo.

With your cargo planning in mind, please refer to the table below. It provides an overview per service of the vessels scheduled to omit Pusan, Shanghai or Ningbo and the week number.

Week MD1 - Vessel, Voyage, Omission Port MD2 - Vessel, Voyage, Omission Port
10 No Vessel Zenith Lumos V. 007W, Omission Pusan
11 Jebel Ali V. 021 W, Omission Pusan Al Jasrah V. 022W, Omission Ningbo
12 Paris Express V. 022 W, Omission Ningbo Zeus Lumos. 005 W, Omission Pusan
13 One Mackinac V. 031 W, Omission Pusan Al Mashrab V. 021 W, Omission Shanghai

If you would like to view the above vessels’ schedule information, please visit our vessel tracker in our Online Business Suite. Do you have any questions? Our customer service team at your location will be glad to guide you based on your individual situation.

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Liner Services