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Liner Services

Shipping from India? An update for Form 13 submission is available

If you're shipping from India, here's an important update concerning Form 13.

Starting on March 1, 2022, it will be mandatory to submit the Shipping Instructions (SI) and Verified Gross Mass (VGM) prior to applying fro FOrm 13. A copy of SI and VGM must be uploaded to ODeX when applying for Form 13. Should these two documents not be uploaded via ODeX, the Form 13 application will be rejected, and the relevant remarks will be mentioned in the platform.

This process is aimed at avoiding missing documentation once your container has been gated in at the port, which can cause additional operational issues.

The above applies to all shipments, except for Out of Gauge (OOG) and Reefer shipments. If you should require additional information, please contact our customer service team at your location, who will guide you based on your individual situation.


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Liner Services