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Liner Services

Here's an update for MV Northern Prelude V. 002W

If you are shipping with our Far East Loop 4 (FE4) service, here's an important update for MV NORTHERN PRELUDE V. 002W. Thinking about your cargo planning and to minimize the impact of waiting time of the import cargo, we have secured an alternative berthing opportunity to redirect her to Wilhelmshaven, where voyage end will be declared for cargo destined to Germany and Central Europe.

For your reference, please keep in mind the following details for the new terminal and kindly note that this is only for cargo discharge:

Estimated Time of Arrival:  March 22, 2022

Eurogate Container Terminal
Ozean-Pier 1
26388 Wilhelmshaven

Please note that cargo with port of discharge to Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg will be discharged at Rotterdam, and cargo to other connecting ports will be transshipped.

If you would like to view our vessels’ schedule information, please visit our vessel tracker in our Online Business Suite. As an alternative, please contact our customer service team at your location, who will be glad to guide you based on your individual situation.

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Liner Services