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Liner Services

An important milestone for the Hapag-Lloyd and DAL integration is here: the voyage cut over

After the successful acquisition of Deutsche Afrika-Linien (DAL) we are entering an important stage of the integration: the voyage cut over from DAL to Hapag-Lloyd. Starting mid-July, the former DAL services will switch to Hapag-Lloyd bill of ladings.

Therefore, if you currently are a DAL customer, please refer to the following overview per service with the last DAL and the first Hapag-Lloyd vessels. We know that you are familiar with the DAL service coding, so we have included it below.


SAX Northwest Europe - Southern Africa V.V.
South Africa Express (former DAL SAECS)

Direction Last DAL Vessel / Voyage / First port in rotation (date) First Hapag-Lloyd Vessel / Voyage (cut-over date)
Southbound MOL Presence V. 224/223S / Rotterdam (August 17, 2022) Santa Teresa V. 226/223S (August 24, 2022)
Northbound Santa Rosa V. 708/2203N / Coega (August 18, 2022) MOL Proficiency V. 710/223N (August 18, 2022)

WAF1 Reefer South Africa to Tanger
South Africa Express

Direction Last DAL Vessel / Voyage / First port in rotation (date) First Hapag-Lloyd Vessel / Voyage (cut-over date)
Northbound Constantinos V. 231N / Port Elizabeth, ZA (August 24, 2022) Ulsan V. 232N (August 31, 2022)

The above information could have possible changes and modifications. To stay updated, please bookmark this page and remember to use the tools of our Online Business Suite, available to you 24/7 here. We would like to encourage you to get in touch with your preferred contact at your location for additional information on our services and booking opportunities.

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Liner Services