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Here's an update on the collapsed bridge in Baltimore, US

***Update May 13, 2024

The news about the Port of Baltimore readying for vessel traffic by the end of May 2024 might have reached you by now. With this positive development, our Americas Service (USW) and our A-Service (ATA) are expected to start calling Baltimore again from week 21. However, we continue to follow updates from the Port Authority, as the debris removal from the March incident must be safely completed before opening for vessel traffic.

Thinking about your cargo planning, the first vessels expected to call Baltimore are:

Americas Service (USW)

  • MV POLAR ECUADOR 421S / 420 N ETA May 25 2024 empty containers only.
  • MV DUBAI EXPRESS 422S / 421N ETA June 1, 2024 for both export and import cargo.

A-Service (ATA) - already accepting bookings

  • MV ATLANTIC STAR 630777 WB , the first export voyage, estimated to depart Baltimore on May 26, 2024.
  • MV ATLANTIC SAIL 630770 EB , the first import voyage, estimated to arrive at Baltimore on May 18, 2024.

We will continue to update you with information as soon as it is available.

***Update March 28, 2024

The bridge collapse in Baltimore has brought all vessel traffic to a stop. This unforeseen situation will impact the delivery of cargo loaded on:

  • MV Dubai Express on our Americas Service (USW), expected to arrive in Baltimore on March 30, 2024, and
  • MV Atlantic Sea on our A-Service (ATA), expected to arrive in Baltimore on April 1, 2024.

We understand the concern this may cause and want to assure you that your cargo is being carefully monitored.

While there were no Hapag-Lloyd containers on the vessel involved in the collision, we recognize that this incident will still have repercussions on our customers' cargo planning. Therefore, the following contingency plan in compliance with Bill of Lading clause No. 18 "Matters Affecting Performance," will be implemented:

For import containers to Baltimore:

  • Containers on water: All containers booked for a Baltimore discharge will be re-routed for discharge in New York. Containers can be collected in New York or, if requested, moved to Baltimore by Hapag-Lloyd with costs associated with on-carriage for account of the cargo owner. Please contact your local Customer Service representative for guidance on your individual situation. No Change of Destination (COD) / Admin fee will be charged for changes.
  • Containers not loaded at origin (gated-in/not gated-in): Please get in touch with our origin office to explore alternate routing options.
  • Booking suspension: Given the uncertainty of the duration of the port closure, we will not accept any new bookings to Baltimore until further notice. Alternate discharge ports should be discussed with your Sales/Customer Service representatives.

For export containers from Baltimore:

  • Containers on the terminal: Until port re-opening, containers will remain at the terminal unless we receive your written notification that you prefer an alternate load port option, for account of the cargo owner. If you prefer to return the container to your facility for de-stuffing, please discuss this with your Customer Service representative. No COD / Admin fee will be charged for changes.
  • Containers gated-out empty, but not yet loaded: The Baltimore terminal has stopped receiving exports until further notice. If you prefer to utilize the container for an alternative destination, please contact your Customer Service representative. No COD / Admin fee will be charged for changes.
  • Containers at customer facility already loaded: The Baltimore terminal has stopped receiving exports until further notice. Full containers can be delivered to New York directly or, if requested, moved to an alternattive Port of Loading by Hapag-Lloyd with costs associated with pre-carriage for account of the cargo owner. Please contact your local Customer Service representative for guidance on your individual situation.
  • Bookings without any activity: Will be cancelled and the respecitve notifications will be sent. Kindly place new bookings via alternative routings.
  • Booking suspension: Given the uncertainty of the duration of the port closure, we will not accept any new bookings from Baltimore until further notice. Please discuss the options for alternative load ports with your Sales/Customer Service representatives.

For barge service between Baltimore and Norfolk / Philadelphia:

  • Barge services in/out of the Port of Baltimore have been suspended until further notice.
  • Imports: Containers can be collected from either Norfolk or Philadelphia.
  • Exports: If requested, containers can be moved to Norfolk or Philadelphia.
  • In both scenarios, no COD / Admin fee will be charged for changes.
  • If requested, containers can be moved to/from Baltimore by Hapag-Lloyd with costs  associated with on-carriage/pre-carriage for account of the cargo owner. Please contact your local Customer Service representative for guidance on your individual situation.

***Update March 27, 2024

As you might have seen in the news, the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed on the early hours of March 26, 2024, after it was hit by a container vessel. This regretful incident has halted the Port of Baltimore’s vessel traffic, a situation that will continue until further notice, and might therefore affect your cargo planning.

With the current situation, we are expecting to omit Baltimore in the foreseeable future and are working on alternatives to minimize the impact on your supply chain. Our services calling the port of Baltimore; mainly the A-Service (ATA) and the Americas Service (USW), present alternatives for import and export cargo through the ports of New York and Norfolk. These options will be considered depending on your preference and service configuration, and our local teams are preparing more detailed information to assist you, including guidance for full gated-in containers, empty containers positioned to your premises and other operational details.

Our thoughts are with those who have been affected, and we will continue to share updates as soon as they are made available. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to bookmark this page for further updates. For more operational details concerning the United States and Canada, please remember to visit the North America Customer Service and Operational Updates.

If you have questions concerning the above disruption, please contact our customer service team at your location, who will guide you based on your individual situation.

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Liner Services