Shipping from Asia, Middle East and India Subcontinent to Australia? A PSS is coming up

A Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) is coming into effect from South East Asia*, Middle East* and the Indian Subcontinent* to Australia*. This PSS is applicable for all containers types gated in from August 15, 2024, and is valid until further notice.

The details for this PSS are listed below:

  • USD 300 per TEU

For your reference, the geographical scope of this PSS is explained below:

From *South East Asia: Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Brunei, Myanmar       
*Middle East: United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia (Dammam & Riyadh via Dammam)
*India Subcontinent: India, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan
To *Australia: Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Fremantle

If you require more information related to the above PSS, please contact your nearest Hapag-Lloyd office who will guide you based on your individual situation.