Please be informed that during cargo operation at Charleston, the master of MV Maersk Inverness 26S was informed that the COVID-19 test results for on-signing crew members had not been received in time and therefore the vessel could not sail according to schedule. The vessel was able to depart from Charleston on June 30, 2020 which resulted in vessel missing her berthing window at the port of Cartagena. Considering this uncertainty subject vessel will omit Cartagena to perform schedule recovery.
Contingency plan offered by Vessel Operator:
All Cartagena Imports will be discharged in Balboa
(North America to Latin America bookings)
Export & Transhipment Load to Oceania at Cartagena:
(North America, Latin America and Europe to Oceania bookings)
Note that since this is force major each line will be responsible for any additional cost. In case Partners have additional cargo to load next week will review the space accordingly.
We have subsequently advised Vessel Operator that all bookings remaining in Cartagena from Maersk Inverness 26 S must be loaded on the next vessel Spirit of Shanghai 27 S arriving in Oceania with one week delay.
In addition we expect full allocation to be granted to cover our current bookings on the Spirit of Shanghai. At this time we are awaiting further advice from the Vessel Operator in this respect.
We shall keep you duly informed on developments and we very much apologize for any inconvenience.