
Pertenece a

Liner Services

Port operations update at Yantian International Container Terminal (YICT)

Some vessels that were regularly calling YICT and will momentarily change their usual schedule because of the rise in COVID confirmed cases in Shenzhen where the port is located. Because these changes could potentially influence your export cargo planning, we have made an overview for your easy reference.

Yantian is a hub for various services and considering that your cargo planning might change for more than one geographical scope, we would like to facilitate you with the most complete update covering all involved trades. In the tables below, please find a split of geographical scopes by trade name with the detail of the related vessels including their service name, vessel names and voyages, estimated time of arrival (ETA) and berthing (ETB).

Drawing your attention to the affected vessels, please see first those trades that present changes in their vessel schedules.

With your cargo planning in mind, we would like to present you with the following options for export cargo:

  1. If you would like to book your cargo to be shipped from Nansha, please ensure to arrange trucking to this port.
  2. You have an option to rebook your cargo scheduled for departure in any of the above vessels by modifying your current booking.
  3. If you take no action, your booked cargo or containers that have already been gated in, will be automatically booked to the next available vessel.
  4. If these options are not workable for you and you would prefer to talk to our team, please contact your local office who are looking forward to helping you. They will ensure that you are assisted and presented with all the workable options related to your individual situation.
  5. In case you have questions concerning gate-ins for Yantian, please refer to our latest update here

In case you have import cargo coming to Yantian, please know that we will be communicating the updates separately.

Not all vessel schedules have been affected. Please see below the vessels that will be maintaining their expected schedule, split by trades and their geographical scopes.

Please know that this situation is not permanent and that we will keep you updated on any further changes in Yantian and once the situation is overcome. All our thoughts are with the people working hard at the port of Yantian, whilst trying to recover from this very difficult situation.

Pertenece a

Liner Services