Département Fonction Nom Téléphone
Sales Office Manager Robinson Santos +55 47 3247-3718
Sales Quotation Quotation +55 11 4505-1740
Sales Automotive Giovana Bordignon +55 11 3306-9031
Sales Chemicals Mayck Ferreira +55 11 9162-07136
Sales Digital Carolina Camarano +55 11 3306-9534
Sales Metals & Minerals Giovana Bordignon +55 21 9713-02832
Sales Retail & Machinery Edmilson Costa +55 47 9883-54290
Sales Special Cargo Daniela Poloni +55 11 9718-51054
Reefer Sales Execution Fabiana Rodrigues +55 71 8132-9962
Operations Equipment Equipment +55 11 4505-1740
Business Administration Freight and Local Charges - Receivables Payment of Freight and Local Charges +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Booking Booking +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Cargo Readiness Cargo Readiness +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Documentation Documentation +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Import Import +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Export Documentation Export Documentation +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Manager SV Agriculture Juliana Fernandes +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Manager SV Reefer , Food & Beverage Rodrigo Cirilli +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Manager SV Automotive, Chemicals, Machinery, Metals & Minerals, Retails and Special Cargo Rodrigo Gonçalves +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Manager Customer Service Support Leo Costa +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Senior Manager SV NVO´s , GAM and KAP Josiane F. Duarte +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Director Customer Service Carlos Caldas +55 11 4505-1740
Customer Service Digital Senior Coordinator Guilherme Silva +55 11 4505-1740