
Pertence a

Liner Services

Med South America East Coast Service (MSE) - M/V “MSC ADELAIDE” – Port Omission Marsaxlokk, Malta

Please be informed that due to severe weather conditions and its operational limitations, M/V “MSC ADELAIDE” Voyage MM849R / MM901A will omit the port of Marsaxlokk, Malta. The revised Mediterranean costal schedule of M/V “MSC ADELAIDE” is as follows:

  • Giao Tauro: January 10, 2019 - Thursday 07:00 hrs.
  • Marsaxlokk, MT: Omit
  • Valencia: January 14, 2019 - Monday 14:00 hrs.
  • Suape, Brazil: January 24, 2019

Import cargoes with destination Marsaxlokk will be discharged at Valencia, Spain and are due to arrive at final destination by various connecting services.

At Valencia import cargoes with destination in the Middle East will be connecting with the M/V MAYSSAN Voyage 1851E (IMEX Service)
Import cargoes to other final destinations via Marsaxlokk, Malta will be loaded on M/V “CSAV TRAIGUEN” Voyage MM851R with ETA Marsaxlokk on January 25, 2019.

Likewise the Export cargoes ex or via Marsaxlokk will be transferred to the next sailing, i.e. M/V “MSC AMALFI” voyage MM902A arriving at Marsaxlokk on January 16, 2019.

We will keep you duly informed on developments.

Pertence a

Liner Services