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Indonesia - Import Regulation on Wastepaper

We would like to inform you that effective June 1, 2019 the Indonesian Government changed regulations on the import of WASTE PAPER to Indonesia.

This change refers to the procedure of verification method of Waste Paper at origin:

  • Cargo Inspection to be done at origin before stuffing, when all cargoes and containers are 100% made available for inspection
  • Surveyor will check 2 bales randomly per container to ascertain that Waste Paper condition is clear, dry, and homogenous
  • Loading/Stuffing Supervision is carried out 100 % on all goods loaded into container and sealed by Surveyor’s seal.
“KSO Sucofindo & Surveyor Indonesia” is the surveyor company appointed by Indonesia Government to implement this new procedure. They partnership with 7 overseas agents as noted below:
  1. Cotecna:  North America, USA and Canada
  2. CWM Survey and Inspection:  Continental Europe and Russia (excluding UK and Baltic)
  3. Baltic Control:  UK / Ireland, Baltic and Latin/South America
  4. Bureau Veritas:  Africa Zone, including La Reunion
  5. CCIC:  China, Australia, Mexico, and other Asian countries to be confirmed
  6. Alex Stewart: Australia
  7. OMIC: Japan

Following requirements must be fulfilled prior to acceptance of your booking request:

  • Shipper to confirm that inspection at origin side has been done and approved by one of the appointed KSO agents (see above).
  • Surveyor at Origin to issue Inspection Report and this must be attached to the booking.
  • Containers have all been sealed by the appointed Surveyor’s seal.
  • Letter of Intent (LOI) is duly signed by shipper/exporter.

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