
Pertence a


Saudi Arabia – Booking Process

In line with the “Vision 2030” project embarked on by the Authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and as part of our commitment to provide quality service to our valued customers,
we are making changes to our current booking validity process in Saudi Arabia.

In order for you to better plan your logistics timely, the following changes will be effective as of June 1, 2020:

  • Booking validity will be based on the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) of the booked vessel and CRO validity would expire 8 days prior ETA ie. ETA minus 8 days
  • Any booking for which empties are not fully collected 8 days prior ETA ie. ETA minus 8 days will be cancelled automatically leading to placement of new booking(s)

We take this opportunity to remind our valued customers of the established cut-off dates for other booking activity as follows:

  • Shipping Instructions and VGM Cut off = ETA minus 8 days
  • Full Container Gate In Cut off at port = ETA minus 4 days
  • Customs Clearance (Final Bayan) = ETA minus 3 days
  • Empty Container Return without utilization for exports will incur zero free days on empties collected for Exports

Pertence a
