
Pertence a

Ports & Inland

Colombo, Sri Lanka - Terminal Operations

We would like to inform you about the pandemic related slowdown in operations at the port of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The operations at Colombo Port is severely affected due to the drastic drop in employees reporting to work due to the Covid-19 situation.

The Government of Sri Lanka has decided to extend the curfew in the Western Province until November 9, 2020 as an important step to prevent the community transmission of the Covid-19 virus. However, the situation wherein the cases were being reported in hundreds would prevail for another one and half weeks.

Terminal operations at SAGT has returned to normal however, vessel productivity is still slow.
The CICT yard is congested due to inter-terminal transfer delays, which may affect quay side productivity in the long run.

We are closely monitoring the situation and are taking all efforts to reduce the impact to our customers.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this difficult time.

Pertence a

Ports & Inland