
Pertence a

Liner Services

Shipping from Central America and the Caribbean? A new booking window is being implemented

We look forward to providing a reliable and accurate vessel outlook to our customers and avoid repeated booking adjustments. If you are shipping from Central America and the Caribbean, including Colombia, please keep in mind that a new booking window will be in effect from October 1, 2021.

For your easy reference, the process has been outlined below:

  1. We will be limiting our booking approvals to six weeks prior to the vessel’s Estimated Time of Departure (ETD). Please note that this applies to all trades.
  2. The calculation of the booking window is based on the booking receipt date until the vessel’s ETD. Please note that this applies to feeders and mainline vessels.
  3. Any booking received on October 1, 2021, will follow the six-week booking window logic.
  4. Any booking received on October 1, 2021, that falls outside of the six weeks’ scope will not be accepted.

We thank you for your understanding and please know that if you should require additional information our customer service team at your location will guide you based on your individual situation.

Pertence a

Liner Services