
Pertence a


Shipping to Egypt? Here’s an update on New Advance Cargo Information Customs Regulation

We would like to inform you about Advance Cargo Information (ACI). This is a new customs system under which Egyptian importers are required to declare full information about goods to be shipped to Egypt before actual loading from the exporting country.

Upon the acceptance of Egyptian Authorities, a unique ACID will be issued for each ACI request.

According to the ACI process, Egyptian Importers are required to instruct their exporters to include the below three references in their shipping order/BL/manifest.

  • ACID number
  • Egyptian Importer VAT Number
  • Exporter Registration Number

This regulation is effective from October 1, 2021. This means that all shipments with BL date October 1, 2021 and onwards must have a valid ACID number. It is the sole responsibility of the shipper/consignee to submit the complete and correct ACID number.

Please ensure to submit the three references together with the Shipping Instructions according to the defined deadline in the booking confirmation. If this information is missing, the containers will be rolled to the next departure.

For further information, please check the link below:
Advance Cargo Information System (nafeza.gov.eg)

Pertence a
