
Pertence a

Liner Services

Shipping with our TPM Service? Here's a rotation update

If you are shipping with our Asia Mexico Express (TPM) service, here's a schedule change that will positively contribute to your cargo planning. From March 2020, certain vessels on this service's westbound route frequently omitted the port of Ensenada, MX. With your cargo planning in mind, we are pleased to inform you that a weekly call at Ensenada will be reinstated to the TPM schedule. This change will take place in week 50.

For your reference, please find below the first voyage to reinstate the port of Ensenada, MX, including vessel name, vessel voyage, estimated time of arrival (ETA), port name and corresponding week:

Vessel / Voyage ETA Port Week
SEASPAN BELLWETHER V.2342W  December 16, 2023 Ensenada, MX 50

If you have questions concerning the above changes, please contact our customer service team at your location, who will be happy to guide you based on your individual situation.

Pertence a

Liner Services