Shipping with our South East India-Europe Express (IEX)? Here's a service update

If you are shipping with our South East India - Europe Express (IEX), here's the latest update for your cargo planning. Starting at the end of July, the IEX will change its service rotation. We will stop calling at Le Havre, France and Vishakapatnam, IN. Instead, we will add Valencia, ES (CSP Terminal) and switch from Gateway to PSA Terminal in Antwerp, BE.

For your reference, here's the new service rotation:

  • Rotterdam, NL -> London Gateway, GB -> Hamburg, DE -> Antwerp, BE -> Colombo, LK  -> Kattupalli, IN -> Colombo, LK -> Kochi, IN -> Valencia, ES -> Rotterdam, NL


In case you'd like to plan ahead, here's the first vessel call of the new rotation, including vessel voyage, Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA), port and week:

Vessel / Voyage ETA Port Week
Rio Grande Express V.2442 EB July 27, 2024 Rotterdam, NL 30
Rio Grande Express V.2430 WB September 9, 2024 Kattupalli, IN 37

If you have questions concerning the above changes, please contact our customer service team at your location, who will be happy to guide you based on your individual situation.