
Pertence a

Liner Services

Here's an important change on Singapore's Customs requirements

From September 1, 2024, Singapore Customs requires the submission of export, import, and transshipment cargo information for Singapore. This new regulation is a part of the revised Free Trade Zones (FTZ) regime that commenced in March 1, 2024.

What does this mean for you?

  • This regulation applies to Singapore Export, Import, and Transshipment Cargo
  • Customs Submission Deadline:
    • Import:
      • Long Haul – 12 hours before the vessel's arrival at berth at Singapore
      • Short Haul – Not later than the vessel's departure from Singapore
    • Export: Within 24 hours after the vessel's departure

What data is required?

  • Shipper name and address
  • Consignee name and address
  • Notify name and address
  • Cargo description and HS code (4/6/8 digits)
  • Container numbers, goods weight, and quantity

What else should you consider?

  • Amendments: Can be made if there’s a change in the original B/L data submitted to customs, no later than the stipulated timings provided above.
  • Penalties for Non-Compliance (after September 1, 2024): Singapore Customs will review the cases of missing, late, or inaccurate submission of BL data on a case-to-case basis, to determine the reasons for non-compliance and the appropriate penalty to be imposed. If any shipping agent, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with the specified requirements of this Circular pertaining to the submission of information under Section 14N(2) of the Act, it shall be guilty of an offence under Section 14N(3) of the Act, and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding SGD 10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both. 

If you should require additional information, please visit Singapore Customs website or get in touch with our teams at your location, who will guide you based on your individual situation.

Pertence a

Liner Services