


Belgium - Prohibition to load shipments without Customs Documents

Dear Customer,

In the best interest of security aimed for by latest UCC (Union's Customs Code), supporting Customs supervision of cargoes prior shipment and avoid risk of possible fines and loading rejections, we kindly remind you about following regulation coming into effect shortly:

Effective as from January 1, 2020 the Antwerp port community will strictly apply a “no Customs Doc - no load” policy for containers to be loaded on board of vessels in the Port of Antwerp. A general letter has been issued by the Antwerp Shipping Federation (ASV) and Terminal operators (ABAS and KVBG) in this respect.

For ease of reference, please navigate to your preferred language option of this ASV letter as noted below:

As from October 15, 2019 it will be mandatory for all users of the port of Antwerp to report all customs documents in the e-Desk application of the C-Point port community system. This will be the only way to announce these documents to the Customs authorities which should preferably be registered before arrival of the container in the port of Antwerp.

As from January 1, 2020 any containers for which no customs documents are registered before sending of the load list, will be prohibited from loading on the vessel.

Finally, we kindly remind you that for export shipments of empty tank containers and tank containers with residue, we are obliged to issue an EXS (Exit Summary Declaration) with Customs and register this document in C-Point. In order to do so, we need your Shipping instructions latest 48 hours before arrival of the vessel in the port of Antwerp.

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