

Ports & Inland

Booking Stop - Yangon, Myanmar via Singapore - Update

As advised in December 2019, we suspended the service to Myanmar via Singapore due to draft limitations and the dwell time of several weeks in Singapore.

The situation is now back to normal and we will resume our service to Myanmar. To avoid further backlogs in Singapore, the weight limitations to Myanmar will be restricted as follows:

  • The total allowed weight of a 20ft container is limited to 20tons each.
  • The number of heavy container (including 20’ and 40’ boxes) is not more than 20 TEUs per one Bill of Lading.

This will be effective starting February 2020 onwards.

We regret the inconvenience that these circumstances may cause.

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated with any changes.

The terms of this Notice shall be read in conjunction with and without prejudice to Hapag-Lloyd’s Bill of Lading / Sea Waybill terms and conditions and the Hapag-Lloyd tariff applicable thereto.



Ports & Inland