

Ports & Inland

France - Strike Update

Following our last communication dated December 19, 2019 we regret to report that the strike situation at French ports havent changed. We are still facing sporadic strikes in Le Havre and Fos sur Mer generating terminal  and vessel congestion.

The work stoppages at French ports will be as follows:

FOS: 72 hours - from January 8 - 20.00hrs, until January 11 - 20.00hrs.
Le Havre: 72 hours - from January 9 - 06.00hrs, until January 12 - 06.00hrs.

This situation is creating vessel omissions and consequently a roll over situation for all export cargo.
Import cargoes are also heavily affected by vessel omissions and these has been discharged in alternative ports.

We take all necessary steps to dispatch export cargo / repatriate import cargo.

Our teams will keep you closely informed about future developments.


Ports & Inland