

Liner Services

New Zealand Service (NZX) – Change of Terminal in Auckland for Vessel Constantinos P (Voyage 325s)

Affected by the ongoing delays at the Port of Auckland, vessel Constantinos P was severely delayed on her arrival at the New Zealand ports. However we are glad to announce that we have found a solution to speed up her arrival with the help of Marsden Point (Northport Terminal).

Pleased to advice that Constantinos P (voyage 325s), will call Marsden Point (Northport Terminal) on December 6, 2020 as a force majeure event instead of December 22, 2020 at the Port of Auckland for discharging.

The Auckland Port Congestion Surcharge (CGD) will not be applied for this sailing of the Constantinos P (voyage 325s).

Revised arrival dates for Constantinos P (Voyage 325s)


Liner Services