

Liner Services

General Average declared for NYK Delphinus 0086W/E


On May 14, 2021, NYK Delphinus experienced a fire in engine room prior her arrival in Oakland, CA.

Salvage services were requested by the Owners, and the fire was swiftly brought under control and has been extinguished.

Now, General Average is formally declared by the Owners of the vessel NYK Delphinus 0086W/E in the AL5 service string on May 27, 2021.

In conjunction with the declaration of General Average, the Owners have appointed OCEANA Marine Claims & Adjusting and Marine Adjusting Solutions Inc as the Average Adjusters. The appointed Average Adjusters will be responsible for coordinating the collection of General Average securities and all documentation required from parties with interest in cargo onboard, containers, vessel, and vessel fuel. Cargo interests (or their insurance companies) is required to contact the appointed Average Adjusters directly to resume transit or delivery. Irrespective of whether your cargo is insured or otherwise, only the appointed Average Adjusters will be in a position to guide you with respect to the provision of the required General Average security. Additionally, more information will be provided subsequently regarding what documents will be required by the appointed Average Adjusters, once that information is available.

The contact details of the appointed Average Adjusters are as follows:
Blue Seas Adjusters Ltd
Contact: Michele Haspineall/ Paul Bown

Unit 1 Orangery Studios
21 Orangery Lane
Tel: 00 44 20 7481 3335
Fax: 00 44 20 7691 7433
Email: [email protected]

OCEANA Marine Claims & Adjusting and Marine Adjusting Solutions Inc

Contact : Pippi G. Drakatou
Email : [email protected]

Contact: David Clancey
Email : [email protected]

Contact: Martin Gray
Email: [email protected]

This means that cargo will not be released unless and until GA and Salvage Security is provided.  


Liner Services