Restricted Commodities

Even with us there are no-go’s

For safety reasons, Hapag-Lloyd maintains a list of dangerous commodities restricted for transportation on Hapag-Lloyd-owned or operated vessels.

The list is comparatively small and clearly arranged to offer clearer readability and ease of use by those people in your organization who are involved in the transport of Dangerous Goods.
There are a handful of commodities that we do not accept under any circumstances. For example:

  • Class 4.1 and 5.2 (with a subsidiary risk Class 1)
  • Class 6.2 or substances known to cause cancer e.g. Asbestos and Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)

There are also additional commodities that we only accept if they are being transported under certain pre-conditions.
For example:

  • Calcium hypochlorite will only be transported in containers under temperature control
  • Bromine will only be accepted for shipment in tank containers or packed in steel cylinders

Our restricted list of Dangerous Goods is constantly being monitored and frequently updated to ensure the best possible protection for our crew, vessels and the environment.

Kindly find the latest Hapag-Lloyd DG restricted list here.
For further information contact your local Hapag-Lloyd Sales representative for clarification.